REGIONAL tournament
Registration link Deadline: Jan. 15
$100 Registration fee per team/per problem payment link
Keystone Oaks HS / MS
1000 Kelton Ave, Dormont, PA
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
registration required
Our Western PA Odyssey of the Mind Tournament is the culmination of months of preparation, teamwork, trial & error, and creative grit put forth by our dedicated coaches and awesOMe OMers! Our region teams will come together to perform their solutions - for each other, their families - and the judges. Good luck to all the teams. We are proud of you!
Use the links below to be informed on all aspects of the BIG DAY!!
SAMPLE SCHEDULE: When this year's schedule is set, the Tournament Day Schedule below will be update and the links will become live.
Tournament Day Schedule 2024
6:30 am
7:00 am
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
11:45 pm
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm (approx.)
Buildings Open
Info tables (maps & schedule) open in MS & HS lobbies
Concessions: HS Cafeteria & MS Lobby
Competition in progress
Merchandise: HS Cafeteria
Raffle & 50/50: MS main lobby
Morning Primary Awards Ceremony: MS LGI
Merch & Raffle - Concessions & Ice Cream: HS Gym Lobby
Sock Hop Dance Party: HS Gym
Afternoon Primary Awards Ceremony in MS LGI
WPA Regional Odyssey of the Mind Awards Ceremony
Advancers Meeting: after awards in HS Cafeteria
LOGISTICS & Information for Regional Competition
Links will be LIVE as information becomes available
Regional Competition Schedule for Long Term & Spontaneous by Problem & Division
Volunteer Schedule and description of duties (live week before competition)
Competition Map including drop off areas and performance areas
Menu Options during event, plus, Millie's Ice Cream Truck 3:00-5:00 HS Gym!
Raffle Basket Preview
Day-of Info for coaches: planning your day, holding & staging areas, picking up scores, etc.
Competition Program. A limited number of programs will be available for free at the info stations. Print yours out now and be ready for the Big Day!
Overflow parking & large vehicle parking will be at Seton LaSalle HS across the street from KO. Please arrange to park large vehicles there. There is no shuttle service this year.
Odyssey Merchandise will be in the HS cafeteria: pins, shirts, bags, toys, games etc!
Raffle Baskets & 50/50 will be in the MS 2nd floor hallway.
Regional Scores (live after close of awards ceremony)
Event Sponsors
We will be following the CDC Covid-19 Guidelines. Please be familiar with this information.